10 Benefits Of CBD: Why Is This Cannabinoid Important?

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10 Benefits Of CBD: Why Is This Cannabinoid Important?

CBD is more than just the second most abundant cannabinoid produced in Cannabis sativa. Researchers are discovering evidence suggesting that cannabidiol is viable in treating diverse mental and physical conditions.

CBD, the acronym for the wonder compound cannabidiol, has long sat in the shadow of its psychoactive sister cannabinoid THC. Recently, scientists and consumers alike are recognizing the innumerable benefits of CBD on one’s physical and mental health. Below, we have compiled 10 benefits of CBD that might surprise you on the therapeutic power of this essential compound.


CBD is considered a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning it does not produce a “high” when ingested. As most cannabis consumers are well aware, THC encourages diverse psychotropic effects when consumed and can actually induce anxiety, paranoia and panic when used in excess. Luckily, consuming CBD is known to counteract the symptoms of anxiety with sedative attributes that reduce physical manifestations including trembling and racing heart. CBD and THC work more effectively together than they do in isolation through a process known as "The Entourage Effect."


If we were to address every potential influence CBD had on human health, it would fill many more pages than this one article could handle. One of the most oft-cited applications CBD has on consumers’ health is pain and inflammation relief.

While CBD research has progressed significantly in recent years, the international medical community has yet to fully accept cannabinoids as medically beneficial. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD suppressed chronic inflammatory pain in rodent subjects. Anecdotally, many medical cannabis users suggest that taking CBD dietary supplements is essential to reducing the inflammatory symptoms associated with chronic pain.

Cannabinoids like CBD help to facilitate the mediation of pain by way of the human endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids attach to receptors and stimulate responses in different areas of the body that encourage myriad positive neurological feedback. There is evidence that CBD bonds to the receptor CB1 and produces analgesic effects.



CBD has shown promise in mitigating symptoms of anxiety associated with two prevalent anxiety disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Research relating PTSD to a deficiency of anandamide in the human endocannabinoid system shows a beneficial relationship between cannabinoids on symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety. Patients with OCD may find their mental and physical compulsions to subside when ingesting high-CBD low-THC strains.


In addition to anxiety disorders, CBD has potential as an antipsychotic. Evidence suggests that cannabidiol assists patients with schizophrenia and other mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder. Although THC is not responsible for causing mental illness, it can mimic acute psychotic symptoms in some patients. This is yet another reason why CBD is a welcome presence when ingesting high levels of THC. While THC on its own can help spur health benefits, the range of therapy is broadened by the presence of CBD to reduce the chance of any negative side effects experienced from psychotropic effects.


One of the worst feelings to have when trying to go about your daily routine is that of overwhelming nausea, or worse: vomiting. Never fear, CBD oils can be easily transported and may effectively treat symptoms of nausea. Ingesting CBD oil is easy on the stomach and doesn’t contain the chalky texture or unpleasant taste of antacids or bismuth.

A 2012 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology confirmed that CBD encouraged antinausea and antiemetic effects in rat subjects. Furthermore, when ingested in the presence of THC, CBD facilitates an even more powerful course of anti-nausea properties, since both THC and CBD can fight nausea individually and together.



Much has been written recently on gathering evidence that CBD can be harvested and used as a powerful anticonvulsant. The data show particular promise in treating children with multiple forms of epilepsy, including Dravet Syndrome. Largely appearing in the form of anecdotal evidence, shocking progress has been made by specific patients who consumed high CBD, low-THC strains of marijuana to reduce seizures.

One six-year-old girl named Charlotte Figi was experiencing a debilitating amount of seizures per day - around 1200. Her desperate parents decided to give cannabidiol a try. The results? Charlotte dropped down to three seizures a month. This may sound like a miracle, but there are numerous other stories just like it cropping up around the entire world!


Visit the skin care aisle in your local health food store and it’s likely you’ll stumble across many a skincare product made using industrial hemp. Hemp and CBD contain natural anti-inflammatory benefits that contribute to inhibiting lipid synthesis. CBD acts on human sebaceous glands and is said to produce a “trinity” of cellular anti-acne responses that could be employed to comprehensively reduce the prevalence and effects of acne. This includes CBD’s power in naturally suppressing the proliferation of cells.


Although CBD is known for its calming effects on consumers, it also encourages a feeling of restored energy and lack of sluggishness. This is because CBD strengthens cells in the human body and contributes to proper regeneration. Additionally, CBD is an antioxidant that promotes a sense of wakefulness not inhibited by the presence of free radicals. A study published in 2008 notes how cannabidiol has more powerful antioxidant properties than both Vitamin C and Vitamin E.



One of the most promising areas of CBD efficacy is in tumor reduction, and inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells. Cannabinoids bind with receptors in the endocannabinoid system to negate the chance of tumors metastasizing, inhibiting further tumor growth and limiting cancer cell migration.

The potential applications of cannabis for cancer patients have been noted historically. Especially involving patients of chemotherapy, cannabis was an effective way to decrease pain and vomiting, while inducing a pleasant sense of euphoria.


While it can be difficult to obtain and manage pharmaceutical prescriptions, CBD is legal in most European countries in the form of CBD oils, topicals and more. Instead of waiting in line at the pharmacy checking your watch, simply order products online. CBD oils are easy to ingest and make for accurate dosing, as long as the oil has been thoroughly purified and doesn’t contain chemicals. CBD oils are made via extraction - solvents are introduced to cannabis flowers, culling cannabinoids away from plant matter, additives and contaminants.

In addition to the 10 benefits of CBD listed above, there are many more avenues being explored by researchers to determine the full course of therapeutic effects cannabidiol and other cannabinoids have on patients.